What Is a GMAT Test?

The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a computer-adaptive standardized test in mathematics and the English language for measuring aptitude to succeed academically in graduate business studies. Business schools commonly use the test as one of many selection criteria for admission into an MBA or Ph D program. Business schools in the United States and other English-speaking countries use the three-part test as key admission criteria for graduate business administration programs such as an MBA.

Part One
  • The GMAT begins with an analytical writing assessment, which consists of two separate writing assignments. One is analysis of an issue; the other is analysis of an argument. Test takers are given 30 minutes to complete each assignment.
Part Two
  • The second part of a GMAT is the quantitative section, which consists of 37 multiple-choice questions. The questions fall under two categories, data sufficiency and problem solving. There is a 75-minute time limit to complete this part.
Part Three
  • The third and final part of the GMAT is another multiple-choice section, this time 41 questions in reading comprehension, critical reasoning and sentence correction. This section must be completed within 75 minutes.
  • GMAT scores are based on the number of questions answered, the number of questions answered right or wrong and the level of difficulty of each question, according to the website. The GMAT is an adaptive test, which means questions are weighted according to their difficulty and other statistical properties.